Time is one of the most fundamental resources that every one of us has. Some people use it properly and others don’t. It is obvious that learning time management and applying its techniques can help increase efficiency, enhance the chance of success, stay healthy and reduce mental and emotional pressures significantly.
There are certain things that we need to do to be successful; on the other hand, there are many tasks and activities we want to do because they make us feel good.  The goal of time management is to find a good balance among all the things you need and want to do.  In this email, I would like to introduce to you a list of time-killers. By noticing them, you can save more time to use it more effectively:
  1. Unclear Objectives: If you have no clear objective, you will not be able to take time seriously. When you set a goal, you stretch yourself out of your comfort zone; therefore, you will use your time better.
  2. Disorganization: Disorganization is one of the biggest enemies of effective time management. You need to spend plenty of time finding the things you need.
  3. Inability to say “No”: You need to remember that you cannot do everything, and you should not undertake things you cannot complete. Just remain consistent with your goals, stay respectful, and say no.
  4. Interruptions and Distractions: Whenever you want to accomplish a task, make sure you minimize the chances of interruptions and distractions.
  5. Periods of Inactivity: There are times in your days or weeks when you feel like doing nothing. You can save significant amounts of time once you start noticing how much time is being wasted.  
  6. Running too many things at once: Nobody can handle many tasks at once. Focus on one task at hand; finish it and then go to the next. Make sure you prioritize your tasks.
  7. Stress & Fatigue: Stress and fatigue reduce our cognitive and physical activities. You need peace of mind and a fresh body to be productive.
  8. Socializing on the Job: This is another reason people waste a considerable amount of time at the workplace. They may also extend lunches or breaks without realizing how much time is passed by.
  9. Insufficient Delegation: If necessary, delegate some of your tasks to people who are capable of carrying them out. This will give you more time to focus on more important tasks.
Creating a lasting change is like playing a puzzle; it requires a set of pieces to be in place. If you want to learn more about it, you can click here to watch the 4 videos.

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Please do contact me if you have any questions about learning new skills or my Coaching Packages. I am always here to help!!!


Dr. Alireza Sharifi

www.dralirezasharifi.com   |   (647) 671-0002

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