Being Kind & Firm: Many people are not firm and decisive; they think the problem is their kindness. However, the fact is you can all be kind and yet, firm, there is no conflict between them.
Bring Busy & Peaceful: Many of us want to have productive days. But when it comes to emotions, we are not having peace. Why? Please keep in mind that peace of mind is one of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself although you have a busy lifestyle.
Being Powerful & Calm: Too many people, being powerful means being too serious or aggressive. But that is not the case. Being powerful is about feeling that power within you, and being calm is all about controlling and stabilizing your mental state. So, this means that feeling powerful can make you calm.
Being Focused & Flexible: I have seen many people who have wrongly mixed these two concepts. They are focused and rigid, and they think they need to stay rigid because they have a target to hit. This is totally wrong! If you determine your target, you choose your end. Focus gives you energy and direction. Flexibility, on the other hand, accelerates your pace of achieving that target.
Being Tough & Vulnerable: Is toughness equal to having weaknesses or denying them? Of course not! Being tough makes you stronger to overcome your challenges to create a stronger and better version of yourself. But it does not mean that you have no vulnerability. You do! So, find it, admit it, and stay strong by changing it or getting rid of it.