Good Morning...

We are close to the middle of beautiful
month of June. Summer is here.
When it comes to the topic of “Personal Growth”, many people claim that change is either too difficult or impossible. What’s your idea about it?
  • Is it possible? 
  • Is it too difficult?
  • How possible (or impossible) is it FOR YOU to change?
After years of teaching, training and coaching in areas of mindset, emotional mastery, and personal development, I believe there are three key points to properly answer the above mentioned questions:
Firstly, “Be Committed”
There is a huge difference between people who are “interested” and those who are “committed”.

Which group do you belong to? Are you simply interested in making changes in your life or are you committed to it? The fact is only committed people are able to change.
Secondly, “Adapt the Right Mindset”
Mindset is defined as a “set of attitudes we hold about a particular topic”. Therefore, we need to change our mindsets, from I-can’t-do-it to I-can-do-it and I-will-do-it. If you think it is not possible for you to change, nothing will happen to you; and to your life will stay the same. You need to WILL YOURSELF to change by altering your attitude toward what you want to change.
Thirdly, “ADOPT A Proven Learning System”
When you adopt the right mindset and commit yourself to change, then you have to find the way.
Read books, attend classes, watch videos and talk to experts who can help you find your strategy.
The Good News is

There are solutions ONCE you act upon these three steps
I have designed an impactful 9-hour webinar where I teach what you need to know about your Subconscious Mind, its success mechanism, and the process of change.

and guess what...


Saturday, June 20, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST
RSVP on the FREE webinar by clicking here

I look forward to meeting you,
on June 20, in the webinar.

Dr. Alireza Sharifi
Copyright © 2020 ALTA, All rights reserved.

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