Many people want to change but not everyone can make it happen. Why is it so difficult for some of us to create a lasting change?  Here’s why: 
  1. The idea hasn’t gone through our critical factor:  To create any changes in our unconscious mind, the idea needs to pass through the critical factor; which is a part of our mind where information is evaluated against our values, beliefs, experiences, and identity. If there is a mismatch between the new idea and what we believe, it will be rejected.
  2. We think about it logically, but we do not feel it:  Most people think that change is all about logic. Although it plays a very essential role in creating a change, we need EMOTIONS to make it effective in the unconscious mind. So, here is an important insight: if we do not feel the urge to change the unconscious will not help us make it happen.
  3. The idea is vague: If we intend to make a change, we need to make sure that the outcome and its steps are specified and foreseen. We need specific and detailed information before we implement the change.
  4. We associate pain to change: Whenever there is pain associated to change, we run away from it. What we need to do is to create pleasure to do the right thing and to associate pain with not doing it.
  5. We don’t consider the consequences of our changed behavior: The next reason is about considering the consequences of our change. We need to fully understand the kind of impact it is going to have on ourselves, our friends, and our lives, in general.
  6. We do not have the right beliefs: For anybody to change, there are 3 beliefs that MUST be there, otherwise, the change will not last. Here are the beliefs:
If any of the above mentioned beliefs are not present, we either do not feel responsible for getting the outcomes, there is no immediate action, or we do not believe we can do it.
Creating a lasting change is like playing a puzzle; it requires a set of pieces to be in place. If you want to learn more about it, you can click here to watch the 4 videos (It is all free and no registration is required):

Please do contact me if you have any questions “Creating a Lasting Change”, or my Coaching Packages. I am always here to help!!!


Dr. Alireza Sharifi

www.dralirezasharifi.com  |  (647) 671-0002

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